Tuesday 22 October 2013


  Hai teman-teman, pada artikel saya kali ini saya akan membahas tentang salah satu sekolah terbaik di indonesia yang ada di pulau sumater. yaitu SMA XAVERIUS 1 PALEMBANG. Menurut saya, SMA XAVERIUS 1 PALEMBANG SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG karena telah melahirkan bibit-bibit unggul. Dan menghasilkan orang-orang yang berkapabilitas tinggi seperti salah satu anggota partai demokrat yang sekaligus menjabat sebagai ketua DPR saat ini Bpk. marzuki ali. selain itu, juga ada gubernur sumatera selatan Bpk. alex noerdin dan masih banyak lagi. web resmi sekolahnya silahkan disini

Sebelum saya membahas lebih jelas tentang SMA Xaverius 1 Sekolah Terbaik di Palembang, saya akan menjelaskan sejarah singkatnya terlebih dulu

SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang berdiri pada 15 Juli 1951 oleh Frater Monfort, BHK (L. F. J. Nienhuis). SMA Xaverius 1 didirikan dengan satu tujuan, yaitu Pro Ecclesia et Patria (Demi Gereja dan Tanah Air).  Pada awal berdirinya, SMA Xaverius 1 berlokasi di Jln. Talang Jawa 4 (sekarang Jln. Kol. Atmo). dan Sejak tahun 1953, SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang pindah ke Jln. Bangau 60 hingga sekarang ini.

SMA XAVERIUS 1 PALEMBANG sebagai SEKOLAH TERBAIK, juga memiliki fasilitas yang sangat/ hampir lengkap. antara lain:
1. Ruang Kelas
2. Laboratorium ( Fisika, Biologi, Kimia, Bahasa, IPS, Komputer dan Seni )
3. Perpustakaan
4. Lapangan Olahraga ( Sepakbola, Bola Volly, Basket & Lintasan Lari )
5. Jaringan Internet dan Hot Spot
6. Parkir Kendaraan Bermotor
7. Atrium Yohanes Paulus II
8. Kantin dan Fotocopy
9. Ruang Pertemuan
10.Ruang Bimbingan & Konseling
11.Ruang Ekstrakulikuler
12.Ruang OSIS / PPSK
13.Ruang Komite Sekolah
14.Klinik Kesehatan
15.Pelayanan Bank

tidak diragukan lagi selain itu, SMA XAVERIUS 1 sebagai SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG juga memiliki visi dan misi yang sangat jelas dan mulia:

SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang setia terhadap ciri khas Katolik dalam pencerdasan kehidupan bangsa, mengutamakan kebersamaan dan unggul dalam pelayanan pendidikan siswa berpribadi utuh
  1. Membangun suasana kekeluargaan dan persaudaraan yang dilandasi cinta kasih dan nilai-nilai Kristiani.
  2. Mengembangkan pendidikan karakter model Xaverius : beribadah, berbudaya 4 S, disiplin, jujur dan bertanggung jawab, penuh empati dan respek, bersatu dan terbuka, dan siap sedia melayani.
  3. Mengembangkan sikap kritis dan bertanggung jawab dalam menggunakan dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
  4. Menanamkan semangat dan wawasan kebangsaan yang cinta pada bangsa, negara dan budaya nasional.
  5. Membangun kerjasama sinergis demi terwujudnya cita-cita bersama.
  6. Memberdayakan partisipasi alumni dan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan pendidikan.
  7. Membangun kerjasama linear dan horizontal dengan pihak-pihak atau instansi terkait bidang pendidikan
  8. Mengembangkan keunggulan dan tata kelola dalam pengelolaan dan pelaksanaan sekolah.
  9. Mengelola dan melaksanakan pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif, integratif, unggul, partisipatif dan menyenangkan.
  10. Melaksanakan pelayanan pendidikan bagi siswa menjadi pribadi yang utuh, mandiri, kompeten dan kompetitif.
 Selain itu, tidak dipungkiri lagi SMA XAVERIUS 1 sbg SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG, telah mengukir prestasi di tingkat Daerah, Nasional maupun tingkat Internasional. Sehingga membuat SMA Xaverius 1 Palembang menjadi sekolah yang go - Internasional, antara lain,

I. Tingkat Internasional
1. Joshua Aristo Nathaniel - Medali Emas OSN Komputer tahun 2011 di Manado
- Sedang mengikuti persiapan Olimpiade Komputer tingkat International tahun 2012
2. Almira Zada - Mengikuti pertukaran pelajar Jenesys Short Program 2011 ke Jepang
3. Brigitta Jacob - Mengikuti homestay selama 1 tahun ( Agustus 2011 - Juli 2012) Program YES
ke Amerika.
2. Tingkat Nasional (Juni 2011 - Desember 2011)
1. Muhammad Badzli. F
- Medali Perunggu OSN Fisika tahun 2011 di Manado
- Juara II Kompetisi Fisika tahun 2011 di UNSRI
2. Michael - Medali Perunggu OSN Ekonomi tahun 2011 di Manado
- Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011 di UGM.
- Juara II Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Propinsi tahun 2011 di UNSRI
- Juara I Kompetisi Ekonomi TSM tahun 2011
3. Voren - Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011di UGM.
- Juara II Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Propinsi tahun 2011 di UNSRI
- Juara I Kompetisi Ekonomi TSM tahun 2011
4. Theodora Inez. J - Juara Umum Kompetisi Ekonomi tingkat Nasional tahun 2011di UGM.

  1. Herry Kwee, Wakil Indonesia dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Australia 1994
  2. Hendra Kwee, Wakil Indonesia dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Kanada 1997
  3. Yudistira Virgus, Meraih mendali Perunggu dalam IPhO (Internasional Physic Olimpiade) di Taiwan 2003
  4. Yudistira Virgus, Meraih Mendali Emas di APhO (Asian Physic Olimpiade) di Bangkok 2003
  5. Yudistira Virgus, meraih medali emas di IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Pohang, Korea Selatan, 2004.
  6. Ali Sucipto, meraih Honorable Mention dalam APhO (Asia Physic Olimpiade) di Vietnam, 2004.
  7. Ali Sucipto, meraih Honorable Mention di IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Pohang, Korea Selatan, 2004.
  8. Ali Sucipto, meraih Emas dalam IPhO (International Physic Olimpiade) di Salamanca, Spanyol, 2005.
wah ternyata sebutan SMA XAVERIUS 1 SEKOLAH TERBAIK DI PALEMBANG memang sangat pantas ditujukan buat sekolah satu ini. semoga bermanfaat,, :)

Friday 24 May 2013

Social issue in indonesia: Free sex

Hello again guys ^ ^ i miss you so much. now, i wanna post fourth article now. it's about Free sex. enjoy it and read seriously :)

Sex is the meeting between male and female genitals. the function of sex actually is for make offspring(keturunan). but now, sex uses just for making fun. Yeah of course, sex just for fun. But, it is only for a man and a woman who have married. But now, in our country almost all of teenager have done this.

Actually sex is normal. but, free sex isn't normal. Free sex is sex outside of marriage. Many girl sells herself or her virginity to get some money for school maybe, for her parents, etc. But, free sex not only that. many girl or boy that have a relationship have done this too. They do this not for money. but, only for fun or only want to know the sense of sex.
I'll give you some information about why girls do this?
1. There are many pressure from boy/girlfriend to do this
2. She/he really need it for her/his body
3. Curious
4. For something important like for school, pay some credit, for parents, and many more

Do free sex is a sin.we will get some big sin if do that.beside that, there are many effect of sex. such as:
1. physical effect like we can get a disease such as HIV/AIDS, GONORHOE, etc
2. social effect. we can be avoided by people
3. mental effect. it can make us crazy if we can't do that
4. afterlife effect. we can go to the hell

But, i have some method to stay away from free sex.
1. give sex educational. it's about the effect of free sex and etc
2. deepen faith with our god.
3. don't watch, read, talk about sex
4. thinking positive
5. and etc

sex isn't good for us. so, please stay away from sex. don't do a free sex because you can be jailed. thank you for your attention!! ^ ^

Saturday 18 May 2013

Cheating around our Education

Hello guys!! we meet again. now, i want to post my third article. It is about our education with theme CHEATING. Please ENJOY it ^ ^

Cheating? Who never do this? i think everyone in indonesia do this including Mr. President maybe( ONLY KIDDING). Cheating is a way to get best score in exam or in school life(with the bad way). cheating happens if someone doesn't study or lazy to study when there is/are an exam or test.

We can do cheating easily because many invigilator don't look at us. so, we can do it very easily. Do you know? actually, there are 7 method to cheating when we meet an exam. this is the method:
1) Make it in paper. we called it " kepek'an " . it is easy to make. we just write something in the small paper. and then we roll it or fold it.
2) Make a note in our hand. this is the "ancient" method because it has been there since our grandmother and grandfather school hahahhaaa   . we can write some word that very important for our exam such as a formula or biology name like Saccharomyces cerevisae maybe.
3) Make words or sentences in table. It is very popular because the teacher can not see us to do this.
4) Bring a note book to the class. and put it in desk drawer. this method is very dangerous because if you are caught by teacher, your exam paper will torn hahahhahaaa but, this method can make you very success in exam because you see a book to answer the question.
5) Work together with our friend. we can do it if invigilator is "cuek" to us hahaha
6) Make a cheat sheet in our hand phone. beside that, we can contact our friends too by use a phone
7) Put a book in toilet

Besides in exam, cheating always happens in National Examination. For example, the teacher give some key to some student to make his/her score better. or the student buy some key from someone in education office (kantor dinas pendidikan). and i think indonesia is weak to exterminate cheating in National Exam :(

But, in indonesia, there are way to avoid cheating in a test. This is the picture:

Cheating in test is a sin. cheating isn't good for us.because cheating can make our creativity down and it makes us don't confidence. however, cheating can make big score in an exam. and now i invite you all not to do some cheating again in exam. However we are not smart, but that's our ability to do that.

Thank you for your attention ^ ^